paperback writer
bad babes part two

now. now i continue on my tale of sin and debauchery...

ha! made you look! ::falls on floor laughing:: you really thought you were gonna get a show, weren't you! AH ha ha!!!

ahem. anyway.

because brirm really was bad on monday and tuesday. and they were brave on wednesday and thursday.
oh yeah. they're on a roll. ooh.
anyway, to continue for real:

--tuesday, feb. 4, 03--after school (at class council)--brat is rushing from extra curric to extra curric (surprise surprise). suddenly she sprints back and whispers into mirm's ear that they should go magnet shopping after theater. this is an exciting thing, as brat and mirm have needed decent magnets for their lockers since school started and have been meaning to go magnet shopping for just as long. mirm agrees that it is high time they went, but she does not believe brat will seriously go, as brat suggests they go magnet shopping roughly every day.

mirm, for some reason, decides to trust this particular whim and wait for brat to see if they really are fated to go on this mythical quest for decent magnets that don't fall when the locker door is slammed shut this day.

sure enough, brat finishes theater practice and is raring to go. but as they are leaving the school, they realize there is a wrestling match there tonight.
now, the last time mirm and brat went to a wrestling match they had a fantabulous time first trying to figure out what was going on and then yelling at their team to bite the heads of the other teams, coaching them to go for the knees, and threatening to beat the other teams down out in the parking lot when they won.
twas great times.

so here they are, at the edge of a precipice overlooking their future. they have to make a DECISION.

now, they may never manage to get out magnet shopping again... of course, they might never attend another wrestling match. they decide to take the best of both worlds by dropping in on the wrestling match and then slipping out in time to eat and buy themselves some nice magnets.
so, after a quick run to mirm's house for moola, as brat has left her purse in goldstein's room, which is now locked and bolted or some such similar (note brat's badness in driving around no con license), they arrive at the doors of the gym all ready to enjoy a few minutes of wrasslin'. their spirits are promptly dashed to a million and two point seven pieces when the man at the door tells them it will cost them four dollars each.

now this is the same man that surruptitiously stamped brirm's hand last time, with no prior exchange of money might we add, as they had apparently arrived too late for it to be worth paying for.

so you can imagine their shock when this man, who had in the past been so nice and lenient, blatantly refuses their entreaties for a bargain on the ticket price, regardless of how long they will actually attend the event.

so brat and mirm stalk off in a huff to commiserate in a less public environment.
meaning, of course, they skitter off to stand behind a wall fifty feet away from the offending revenue collector.

with the almost-badness of yesterday still fresh in their minds, brat and mirm decide they will sneak in.
knowing the auditorium will not be locked until at least eight, as winter guard is practicing inside, they leave their most obvious articles of clothing (their guard jackets and mirm's purse) in the between-way place between the auditorium and the band hall, so as to not stick out as the girls who had tried to strike up a deal with the door guard money collector man.
they wait until he is distracted with an honest spectator before rushing inconspicuously across the lobby and down the p.e. hallway. having attended the school for three years now, both are well aware that they can easily slip in through the back door and onto the bleachers without anyone but the wrestling team, which they have to sneak through to get to said bleachers.
they are so proud of themselves for being bad. it's almost a little sad.
they witness jlo win a match, which is exciting (note to audience: be excited) and they enlist the younger sibling of another member of the team to he'p them to learn the rules of the game. after they (regretfully) leave, they take comfort in the knowledge that the poor boy is still sitting there wondering why these two high school girls plopped down next to him and demanded he explain to them the ways of wrestling. but, as mentioned before, they must leave soon after arriving as they are on a mission.

we assure you they wanted to see everyone else, and would have stayed but for the fact that they did not know when their otro amigos would be a'rasslin'. alas.

so they arrive at target (across the bridge...yes amber, The Bridge. ooh, adventure.) only to find that, while being the meccacenter for everything else cool and wonderful, target only carries suck magnets. but the trip is not a complete waste as they both realize they are bag people as well as shoe people (they honestly had not realized this before) and make a pact to buy purses (a japan one for mirm and a san fran one for brat) for the snow ball. they are well aware that this pact is merely an excuse to go out for no reason again, but they do not seem to mind.

leaving target they become aware of certain hunger pangs emenating from their respective stomachs. they are hungry. they stop by chic-fil-a and, on yet another daring whim, decide to NOT GET WHAT THEY ALWAYS GET. (cue gasp from audience) brat does not order the nuggets and a skinny chicken (diet lemonade she orders purely because the lemonade maker has a funny picture of a skinny lemon chicken on it), but a wrap and a dr. pepper. mirm, too, decides to risk fast food lettuce and dares a wrap as well. they eat defiantly.

as they are heading home, they see a yellow mustang thing, which naturally thinks it's better than them.
it is not.
brat and mirm know this because brat slams on the gas and races it for the short time they are next to the offending car. (this is only about forty seconds, but they are forty glorious seconds.)

brat and mirm sneak back into the wrestling match just in time to see them doing the good-sport-handslap thing with the other team. they inquire about the score, etc. but they are now on a time restraint. we don't want brat and mirm's escapades to be shut down by a silly grounding due to curfew violations, now do we?
(the correct answer is no)
but as a final rebellious toss of the hair, they take the ranch club route home. brat has never gone all the way through the ranch club before, and mirm has only a few times. it's exciting in an "holy goodness we're stuck in a labyrinth and did you just run a stop sign?" kind of way.
as brat finally leaves mirm's house and heads for her own, she runs by the school one final time. she won't remember why. she'll say it seemed like a good way to finish out the night. and it will be. she arrives home and is told of the fantab dinner her family had without her but she doesn't mind. she was a rebel. and it felt good. and she has a theme song. it goes something like this:

"sheep go to heaven... goats go to hell. sheep go to heaven... and goats... go to hell...[insert portion of song here] as soon as we're born we start dying. so we might as well... have a good time...awright. sheep go to heaven..."
-cake "sheep go to heaven" from prolonging the magic

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 7:37 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.