paperback writer
firth-fest 2003

and the festival tradition continues.

it started with bale-fest and continues today and we've already planned for a tarts-and-vicars partay when molla gets back con roomie de universidad.

i love our kinds of parties... you can have them back to back and no one has to really recoup for real... it's a nice break from the real world of ARGH and MECK and DEEEEAAAAATH.

so anyway.

friday got off work and moseyed on over to watch the band and visit with amigos i haven't seen in many a moon...
will not go in to permeating weirdness that continues to plague myself...
was standing there with the kids that only weren't in band b/c they gradjeated and there i was the baby and not in band anyway and- ::stops self::
it's just... still uncomfortable i guess. i'll get over it. don't you worry your pretty little head.

so we watched and they were *fantab* ::applause:: and we chili'd and afterwards we went a'bowlin'...

again craziness ensued and JOE, JOE MAMMA, and MARY of old-school origin were there, along with newbies FRED, BOB, and MANIAC.

we were obnoxious and it was fun and i borried a camisa from stacy that said NEW YORK and holy goodness i wanna go so bad i can taste it.
it tastes like garlic bread. yum.

then i woke up the next day and DIED.
that's right. i DIED. DEAD. far more pain and suffering than i've ever been able to claim to have had.

so i had to call up robin and our Winging It Fun Day had to be put on hold for most of the day whilst i laid on the couch pathetically surrounded by phones and covered in heating pad and hallucinating from what amounted to five pamprin...

but then i was ok enough to leave the house and of course i had to get gas right as a full-blown tropical storm slams down on us...
i stood out there in the rain as the people inside snickered and pitied me at the same time...
they each had their turn making jokes at me as i trudged inside sopping wet and i laughed at them in turn as they had to run to their cars in the gale.

so i made it to robin's house and waited out the storm and random sopping groundhog waddled across the cul-de-sac and robin's mom yelled at it from inside to get away from their yard and go into the neighbors'.

...they have what i swear is a hedge maze in their front yard. and they have a turret. except it's ugly. so i don't like these people. they ruined their turret and hedge mazes go in the *back* yard.

then we went to mi casa and of course looked at natl's pix instead of getting packed and we got to firth-fest late and maggie thought we were dead.

but then we watched the importance of being earnest and bridget jones's diary and maggie fantasized about the wet-shirt scene in pride and predjudice and molla, maggie, mirm, brittany, and i stayed up until 8 in the morning (poor robin died some time after 12 or 1 or something... i don't blame her. frickin band) talking and crazy reminiscing and griping and by the end had a nice long rant. and it felt good.
except now it bubbles again at the surface... but maybe it needed to be sieved and washed out from the crevices of our souls. i'll prefer to think of it this way.

and we're frickin gonna make this year the best year ever if it kills us, by golly....

and it very well might.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 3:51 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.