paperback writer
o college

So i return unscathed from the far more successful Second Visit Home feeling slightly less guilty, far better emotionally, and like a fresh pile of duck poo physically.

Codeman is driving. I don't know what to do with myself.

And so I will create a to-the-point list describing in very little detail the craziness of Friday night, as opposed to crying over my baby brother growing up... sentimentality is not my thing when I am sick as a dog. A dog, I say, a dog.
So here is Friday:

jess, rachel and i...

-pregame. a lot.

-dance party. a lot.

-watch jo try to teach josh and liv to fence in the hallway

-watch josh and liv try to poke each other in the eye every time they think jo isn't looking

-dance party more; dance like in breakfast club, teach rachel to get low

-jess is flashed by adrian under guise of being shown scars

-pregame post-game

-finally leave after torrential downpour slows to stop

-swear to pick up each others' speaking patterns... chiefly terms such as "wicked," "AHsome/AHful," "tool"

-solidify band created at lunch: I'd Go By Will

-laugh at reeeeaaaaally drunken group of girls on bus plus random girl in a porno nurse costume

-show up at the ultimately lame party

-liven it up with our dance parties

-inch away from random girl with pants low enough to expose far more than pants should

-play beer pong against the most drunk guys we have ever met (that is, jess and rachel play and i ref)

-win beer pong against the most drunk guys we have ever met

-jess is licked in the face

-she doesn't mind as much because he is cute

-jess disappears into a dark room with the face licker for a very long time

-ultimately returns, gives us a Look, blows a raspberry and gives a very definite thumbs down

-jess and i barely miss being able to save rachel from certain embarrassing kissing of certain unattractive boy we don't know the name of (later we learn he is noam. this is of no help)

-rachel runs to us and exclaims "i was doing this!" as she points to her violently shaking head

-jess and i learn violently shaking heads mean SAVE ME!

-inch away from random drunk girl as she breaks down sobbing because random guy talked to her so she thought she and her boyfriend were going to be kidnapped and killed for no reason

-rachel and i disappear upstairs without meaning to

-jess finds us and we are reunited

-they put in friends for no reason and we decide it is time to go

-jess calls 4NITE and the operator guy tells her to call back

-she does. several times. he asks for our screennames.(he and jess will later hang out at a party and even later jess will learn he is a friend of a friend and it is a small world after all)

-we return and jess paints her thumbnail pink

-we hang out in jess and my room: rachel crashes on the futon and jess talks to ian (4NITE guy) and i talk to andrew

-at 630ish we are all finally asleep

-we laugh a lot the next day

-i have bruises on my knees from breakfast club dancing and rachel has bruises on her ego from jess's reminder of noam on her door

-all in all a successful friday

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 2:50 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2004

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.