paperback writer
focusing is not my fort�

Living with ADHD: A Short Play in One Act

Britt: [wanders into Katie's room for the billionth time] So I was studying... [long pause as she stares at cat spazzing in garland]
Katie: Is that the whole story? Because that's quite an accomplishment in itself...
Britt: Oh, no.. Well I mean I wasn't actually studying... I was checking everyone's away messages to see if they were studying-
Katie: [laughs] I feel like I'm in a competition with you... like I have to start making up creative shit to do instead of study...

So I really didn't mean for that last entry to sound so... bleak. I suppose that's what comes from twenty hours of reading four books and writing six pages on suicide and post-mortem preservation of a life unlived. The Emigrants, To the Lighthouse, The Waste Land, and "Hamlet" are a lot to take all at once.

Not that it was twenty straight hours or anything... this is what I did in the past 48 hours while I "studied"...

- Welcomed Brie to 219 living... took her out on the "town." (= ghetto CP)
- Got lost in DC for over three hours looking for The Tree... got this close to the wrong one when we realized it was the wrong one... and then they shut off the lights... but got a lot of great pictures
- Got fired before my first day... frustratingly long story. If you care I'll tell you
- Sat in traffic for the rest of my LIFE
- Watched "The Godfather"
- Escaped a fire with menagerie in tow... actually we just left when they turned off the electricity. Another long story but much more fun to tell.
- Took Rosanna and kitty to the Bel Air study lounge with Rachel and MA... laughed a lot... studied little
- Raced back to apartment at news that it might be underwater... we were one of the lucky apartments that weren't
- Houka'd while I waited for the electricity to come back... swapped high school gossip and generally caught up
- Came back around 2am.. electricity was on.. talked into the night to Brie and Mirm
- Slept little... but stayed in bed forever because it was warm and a paper awaited on the outside
- Took a shower
- Facebooked
- Library with Rosanna because it's quiet there and no internet
- Went to Panda Express... listened to them study... ultimately left because I'd rather listen to them study than do it myself
- Came home.. read a little
- Made a "FOCUS!!!" playlist on itunes
- Read some
- Took a nap
- Distracted Katie
- Read some more... sparknoted somewhat
- Played with Cleo
- Watched Katie play with Cleo
- Checked away messages to see who was "studying"
- Watched internet shorts... showed Katie internet shorts
- Checked mail
- Searched for toothbrush
- Buckled down for a few hours
- Slept for an "hour" (three hours)
- Buckled down for real
- Finished with an hour and twelve minutes to spare


I... really suck at focusing.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 7:04 p.m., Monday, Dec. 19, 2005

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.