paperback writer
crazy for YOU! ::points::

it's the last weekend of the show! mee!

come see the genius! (thurs, fri, and sat at 7:30... tickets are only $5 for students and senior citizens and 7$ for adults)

practice went well, especially considering the three days off we got in between

::celebratory no practice dance::

played in our cars after practice today... dragged con delant� n kayleigh after switching cars...
apparently i'm short and they were successively crammed in my seat like death

AH ha ha

told colleen at practice today of the weirdness of the twilight zone woo woo situation and she freaked out

so good. it's not just me and those with the same mind frame as me that think it's the strangest situation to ever hit mankind ever it's life

golLY it's hot!

two days ago it was snowing and today we hit the seventies

i think good ol' mother nature needs to take some prozac

...or some such similar

p.s. cherry blossoms! zoe and jaime, you can see the cherry blossoms!
just heard on the radio that they're best to be viewed from april 3-10, so... getcho' derrierres up heah!

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 7:42 p.m., Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.