paperback writer
ketchup should not be purple

Well I'm alive. And here I sit at home wearing old clothes because I didn't feel like bringing much home from school and I still ended up bringing the WORLD, just no clothes... and this is what I did instead of sleeping last night...

Nov. 24, 2004 1:09 AM

Since the Friday before last I have...

-Dressed up for a theme party
-Fled the fuzz
-Had a dorm party
-Slept in Rachel's room (twice)
-Turned down a proposition (twice)
-Gained a hundred pounds
-Made an ASS of myself (twice... only once was drunken and funny and once was sober and ruined EVERYTHING)
-Seen people drunk that never are
-Bonded with Bel Air (twice)
-Seen a show (twice)
-Been drunk/shroom-dialed (twice)
-Had soul-searching conversation (twice)
-Had bitch-fest (three times)
-Found out terrible news (twice)
-Had extended alone time (twice)
-Written 22 pages total in papers
-Read a book cover to cover
-Been inspired
-Watched TBS for something like five and a half hours straight for all my old favorite movies
-Cursed in front of my brother (twice)
-Attended a coffee house
-Stuck up for myself/ bitched someone out
-Slept somewhere around 12-16 hours total
-Played WAR
-Been on the phone with CA, NY, SC, GA, and of course MD
-Wished my Pap Pap a happy 70th
-Eaten an honest-to-goodness real good meal in the diner (special Thanksgiving feast)
-Gotten an ugly visit from the Auntie
-Wanted desperately to quit school and jump on a hobo train across the country (countless)
-Decided what kind of bread I am
-Decided Ireland is far superior to Nevada
-Gotten in a huge fight
-Finished the most time-consuming project EVER
-Started another most time-consuming project EVER... of course it's for the same class..
-Broken down physically
-Shorted out mentally and emotionally
-Participated in a dance party
-Drank after someone with mono
-Panicked (innumerable)
-Seen the most adorable kittens EVER
-Spent quality time with my cat
-Seen old friends
-Drooled in my sleep (three times)
-Done laundry
-Lost an earring
-Found the earring
-Cut a deal with my drawing teacher about that lost portfolio and potentially failing grade
-Finally found the nerve to call up a stranger and schedule an appointment
-Threatened to slit my wrists (too many times to count)
-Played Super Smash Bros. with the guys
-Beat the guys (once and two halves)
-Shaved (twice)
-Had a Bridget Jones moment (twice)
-Let out a string of curse words (innumerable)
-Drank a lot and still stayed sober
-Made a complete stranger fall over laughing in passing
-Been a bitch (three times)

And now for some interesting conversations since last we spoke...

Me (on the phone): So how is she I haven't spoken to her in-- what? WHAT?? Holy crap! No, no- holy SHIT!! Are they keeping it? Are they still HOMELESS??? FUCK!!! [string of curses]

Jess: Hey where've you been?
Me: I went back to his dorm. We played WAR.
Jess: Ooh, what does that mean?
Me: Um... we.. played.. cards? For a really long time?
Jess: But I thought you said he was cute!
Me: Well he is, but he's.. it would be weird!
Jess: [laughs] Well, you're stronger than me! [skips off to make out with friend]

Me: But we have seen the other side and it is GREEN!
Mirm: Yeah, they're still living in Arizona but we're living it up in Ireland.

Me: So my friend left Blackberry Schnapps in our room... and dad found it. But I told him it wasn't mine.
Codeman: Did you have any of it?
Me: No, ew! But I already told him I drink sometimes, because I do. He was just teasing me... but it was probably lucky I had already told him about it. So the moral of the story is, be open with your parents because you never know when they might find something.

What Kind of Bread Are You?
Monica: Marble Rye, because she's black, white, and Jewish
Jess: Pumpernickel, because she's "gat a latta charactah"
Me: white bread with whiskey, because I'm a redneck
Mirm: cornbread, because she's country

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 3:46 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2004

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.