paperback writer
just another manic monday... almost

a week and a half

eight days

what is 7:25 minus 2:20?
times eight?
...::indicates:: that many hours


i just read the diary entry of someone who claims to have invented the diary break

well i invented pants

so there. hmph.

[insert spiteful diary break here]

what is my typing speed?
my michael's application asked me that and i don't know the answer...
maybe i'll just put "fast"
or "ten thousand"

i like to lie

it makes life interesting


p.s. i love the chipotle commercial. it makes me smile in an otherwise unsmiley situation

...that situation being the hateful cluttered sty that is sometimes referred to as mi cuarto

i talked to jennifer today for a long time
it almost felt like she lived down the block again
then my cell phone ran out of juice

curse batteries
curse mother nature
curse precipitation
curse school
curse feeble curses that have nothing to do with anything
curse your mom

that joke will never die... it's like the "got leied" joke... it will go on for infinity

like this school year

p.p.s. i got my class ring! ::bailar y celebrar::

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 7:40 p.m., Sunday, Jun. 08, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.