paperback writer
annoying survey thing

this is an email survey thing i filled out a couple days ago.

::random thought:: i am far too amused at my own wit for it to be healthy. gosh darn narcissistic tendencies... ah well. will fix it tomorrow. for now read my genius and be amused...

Full Name: Britt A. Ny

Nicknames: stumpy pete. that's achaparado paco in spanish. well, sort of.

Hometown: which one? HA! because I don�t have one� ha� ha� *ahem* atlanta, maybe? do i get to choose? is this a trick question? ::glares at two-way mirror::

Fun of ppl?: um. purple?

If you could do something to someone you hated what would it be?: seven

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: ::shifty eyes::

Do you go into a store just to get kicked out?: ::continued shifty eyes::

Have you ever stole something?: ::hires some bum off the street to do shifty eyes while she goes to get some chocolate milk::

Do you smoke?: dirtygross. smoking burns your soul. like a burn that� burns. your soul.

Have you ever smoked?: just elephants

Have you ever done drugs?: just crack. and acid. and i only binge on that

Have you ever drank alcohol?: alcohol is like coffee. in the sense that it tastes bad. not really in any other sense.

What would you do if you found out that your best friend was a lesbian/gay?: oh god I think I would just freak out and never be friends with that person again. because I don�t have any friends that are even remotely lesbian [slash] gay.

piercing/tattoos?: four. oh yeah. i�m hot. and rebellious. yes i am.

Most embarrasing moment: that time that i fell down. in front of that guy. in the Turkish prison. when i was being held in contempt. you know, that old routine.

Best moment: when i won the lottery and got to do random rich person things like divorce people

Most romantic moment: the one where we were uber dirtygross in his truck in the school parking lot� oh wait, that wasn�t me, that was brittany and walker! ha! that�s right, i was the one *next* to that ever-classy display, assisting in an auto theft� ha!

Pets?: two dogs, two illicit puppies, and three psycho felines. and a goat. his name is jim.

Ever gone skinny dipping?: obese dipping, maybe

Are you a virgin?: more than you know. well, you probably know. the giant VIRGIN stamp on my forehead tends to give it away.

Toothpaste: yes

Shampoo: the kind that makes my hair smell hot

Amount of times a week u shower?: seven. that is, if by �a week� you mean a year! ::crickets:: laugh!

Have you ever gone more then 10 days without a shower?: never. i am the cleanliness queen

~!~favorite~!~ ooh, cute. i bet it took hours to design that squiggly/exclamation point/squiggly motif you've got going there

Favorite color?: cats

Favorite perfume/cologne?: steak

Favorite scent other than perfume/cologne?: crack

Favorite soft drink?: remember surge? man, we flocked to that like sharks to a wounded platypus. of course, we were also ten.

Favorite sport to play?: spectator

Favorite sport to watch?: drinking games

Favorite Subject in school?: chemistry. and nhs. ::falls over laughing, then whips out nine and shoots Gerard::

::random dance break:: booty-booty college!!!

Least Favorite subject in school?: cake

Favorite song right now?: ::sings off-key:: sheep go to heaven/ goats go to hell/ sheep go to heaven/ and goats/ go to hell�[insert portion of song here] as soon as you�re born you start dying/ so you might as well/ have a good time�

Favorite number?: purple. and forty two. and eight. and seven. teen. And infinity. And m.

Favorite food?: ::salivates::

Favorite ice cream flavor?: dirt

Favorite town to chill in?: oh, throwing around the slang are we? how old are you? like thirty eight? twelve? four hundred and three?

Favorite holiday?: my birthday

Favorite type of music?: pencils scratching against paper

Favorite town in the us?: in the us? in the you and me? in the group of people that includes the first-person narrator? why, anaconda, montana of course

Favorite country you wanna visit or have visited?: I notice this question, like many in this list, is worded so it�s �cool� and �hip.� does someone have lingering high school identity issues?

~!~either or~!~ ooh we get a choice. goody.

Adidas, Nike, or Reebok?: sketchers, baby, yeah!

Croutons or Bacon bits?: meat is murder. so is vegetarianism. yeah for not eating!

Coke or Pepsi?: plutonium

Pepperoni or just Cheese?: shrooms

95.5 or 93.1? 98.6. ha! because it�s funny� you know... body temperature� it�s a joke� ::booed offstage::

One pillow or two?: ::too humiliated from last question to answer::

Sunset or Sunrise?: the sun has set on my comedy career

Skiing or Snowboarding?: i belong to the polar bear club

Swimming or Diving?: public pools are breeding grounds for disease. so are public schools. and wendy�s. i say boycott all of them.

Rollerskating or Rollerblading?: i love being back on the east coast, where no one else can skate, either

(for the girls) do you like your guys to dress from Pacsun, A&F, or Hot Topic? what? they have to dress?

(for the guys) Do you like your girls to dress from Pacsun, A&F, or Hot Topic? ::miffed at not being included::


Do you have a crush?: ::still miffed, refuses to answer::

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: ::has moved past miffed and is now pouting in corner::

Best online friends?: ::strums guitar that has appeared out of nowhere and sings �i�m all alone� there�s no one here beside me��::

Best Mall buddy?: ::when realizes she only knows that one verse, abruptly changes song to �nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess i�ll go eat worms��::

Who do you go to for advice?: ::silence in realization that that is a really annoying song::

Who understands you best?: this bottle of nail polish remover

Who knows all your secrets?: wow. i am the owner of six pogs from the dollar store.

Who knows most about you?: i don�t even know how to play pogs

Craziest/Silliest Friend?: i never bothered to learn

Loudest Friend?: i mean, even at the height of their popularity I thought they were really stupid

Quietest/shyest friend?: ::holds one up:: i like this one, though. it has an armadillo with a parachute on it. it�s funny.

What do you look for in the opposite sex?: a soul ::salivates::

Who do you cry with when you cry?: i am devoid of human emotion. i don�t cry. ::silence:: .... ::bursts into tears and runs from room when someone agrees::

Who do You laugh most with?: oh everyone. That is, if what I assume is correct and by �with� you of course mean �at�

Funniest friend?: me. thillieth� ::waves hand dismissively::

Did you ever do 'something' with your bf/gf in front of your friend?: ::eyebrow::

Who have you known longest in your group of friends?: your mom

Whos family do you know the best?: you missed an apostrophe. you�ve got some on your chin

Do you have a crush on more than 5 ppl? Are you kidding?

~!~random~!~ i think i speak for the whole group when i say "dear lord please take me now-" ah, i mean "yippee"

What time did you wake up this morning?: is noonish alright with you?

Where are you now?: your house

What time is it as you are filling this question out?: 12:10 am. whoops. time to go to bed. learning to do tomorrow.

What is the date?: eleven minutes into monday, february tenth, two thousand three, baby! Can I get a AMEN? ::crickets:: you know, february is a very strangely spelled month...

What are you doing tomorrow?: your mom

What have you done today?: your mom

What did you eat for breakfast?: your� soul

What is your dream guy's clothes?: your grammatical skills astound me

Where do you want to have your honeymoon?: woah there, hoss. you haven�t even asked me on a date yet. i at least want flowers or a chicken leg or something.

Where do you want to live after you get married?: a shoebox under my bed

your 2 fave girls names?: joe momma and joe cool

your 2 fave boys names?: joe shmoe and joe sef

How many girls/boys do you want to have?: are you kidding? i saw the �miracle of life� movie in ninth grade. i�ll adopt, thanks.

::brakes screech, tires skid, slams into wall:: well that was an abrupt ending

oh well. ::goes on merry way::

you know, i hate these things. dunno why i fill them out. oh that's right. the egomania.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 12:14 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.