paperback writer
the power of three

Three times in three days. Three jacuzzis, three very different spatterings of people. Fairy tales are always told in threes. Death travels in threes. The Comic Rule of Three.

It's a number that haunts the human condition, keeping it on its toes, ever watchful for that third and final coincidence to seal the cosmic deal.

In one there are two and the steam is a symbol of the swirling thoughts an ideas rising from the excited tongues and sparkling reflective eyes.

In another the most reflective surface is the water itself, cold and unmoving until the three slip slide in, filling the cold emptiness with a stubborn peter pan refusal to ever grow up. The deeper discussion will wait for the warmth of the basement to come creeping out, as it always does, on the same subjects of childhood, the same painfully jarring transitional points that brought them all to that very basement, warm and huddled and finally finally finally content with themselves. But until that point it's splashing and spitting and spouting bubbles in great chaotic masses like they're seven and could never be happier to stay that way forever and ever amen.

The third and final event, the icing on the deliciously random layer cake of life, directly follows the bubbling delve into childhood as the perfect double edge on the sword that is adolescence. The water here spills over with mirth and slippery appendages and not a little drunkenness, except on the part of the subject.

From this crowded space she watches through the fog of obnoxiousness the products of childhoods entirely different from hers and wonders if they all live double, triple, quadruple chameleon lives. If they all develop personalities with each new bend and shift of their own ever-changing lives. She wonders if she does to the extent she sometimes thinks she does, or if that is one more fantasy too closely bordering real life for a real difference to be predicated.

And the times between jacuzzis are when the rest of life occurs. Don't miss it in the cloud of thought and third person observation that comes with elitism and empirical thought. Enhance it. And if you miss it all your deep thinking is for naught..
because where is the point in figuring out the intricacies of life if you forget to enjoy it?

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 4:41 p.m., Friday, May. 27, 2005

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.