paperback writer
::distraction dance::

Aaaaand to distract myself from that last entry and that awkward-as-all-hell follow-up conversation... I'm going to revert to my usual egocentric self:

As per tradition, here is a list of my Things You Should Know About Me, now that I've had a birthday and it's been a year since I last did one...

1. Am newly nineteen. I don't like it.

2. Unnaturally obsessed with the literary beat movement, particularly Jack Kerouac.

3. Equally unnaturally obsessed with The Rules of Attraction. The movie. The book. The script. The writer. The director. The disillusionment. The everything.

4. If you don't get The Joke, you don't get me.

5. I. Hate. Emo kids. HATE them. And it frustrates me more that if I were to punch one in the face he would just write a poem about it and post it on his blog for his friends to suffer through.

6. Cannot be found at any moment in life without my camera and/or a notebook and pen.

7. Extremely easily bruised. That is, physically. It's possible I may not get enough potassium.

8. Rarely do I refer to people by their real names. This is not a privacy thing. This is an association thing.

9. More terrified of hippos and thunder storms, particularly the lightning part of them, than anything else. Except maybe failure... but that doesn't count because everyone fears failure. Overachieving bastards.

10. Wanted to be a cat when I grew up. Still kind of do.

11. Can't deal with extreme cold. Or even just regular cold. Just can't. I miss the South.

12. Perpetually surprised by my own adulthood.

13. Easy to please to the point of ridicule: make me laugh and you are in. Make a funny face or say something sarcastic and I'll laugh. That's really all there is to it.

14. Grammar nerd to the extreme... I physically hurt whenever I see a t-shirt with the wrong "its/it's" or "your/you're" on it. I HURT.

15. Insomniac to the nth degree. Yeah I said it. The nth. Disregard my time stamp. I've been staring at my computer for hours for no reason other than I forget to sleep. It's 5:10 am. Fuck my life.

16. Mystified that I am labeled a flaming liberal almost purely because I feel very strongly that people should leave other people the fuck alone.

17. Intensely affected by the weather. Also certain numbers.

18. Am extraordinarily amused by drunk dialing/typing. Have been known to update under the influence. By "have been known" I mean I've done it like twice.

19. Am a terrible chaperone at parties. If you don't want to hook up with someone, don't count on me to know to intervene. Or to berate you afterwards. But if you ask me if you're a ho, I'll be honest.

20. Am happiest when things end in even fives.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 2:44 a.m., Monday, Jun. 13, 2005

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.