paperback writer
looking for the bearded lady

*Note* You'll have to excuse the choice words. I'm fucking pissed.

So Nicole and I are watching Family Guy, like the good American citizens falling under the middle class aged 14-25 schema we are, and Mum comes downstairs to announce, excitements of excitements, the Michael Jackson trial results are in. This is legal history, folks. In twenty years our kids will be asking where we were when we heard what they're going to do with Jacko.

So with a sigh I pause Norm Macdonald mid-cut down, turn the channel to CourtTV, and what do I see? A circus. A fucking media frenzy. People are crowding the streets, waving flags and posters like it's the fucking Fourth of July in MichaelLand. The intense blonde back at the studio is so excited she's barely sitting down. She's describing every millisecond of court proceedings, yelling into the mic in case any viewers at home may have decided to make a quick run to the kitchen or the bathroom, because God forbid they miss the fact that ONE of the courtroom doors is shut, but the OTHER remains wide open, indicating, apparently, that they are not yet reading the verdict. THIS INFORMATION IS SO IMPORTANT I CAN'T EVEN STAND MYSELF.

The brunette standing by the mob outside the courtroom sounds pissed. I'm pissed, too. But not because they haven't read the fucking verdict yet. I could give a fuck. The man has a screw or ten loose and I feel sorry for him. I hope he didn't molest those kids. That's about as far as I get before I turn to issues that actually affect my everyday life. But the camera is panning over this surging mass of people and paper and general indignance, and I want to slit my wrists. Look at them. They're so passionate about this celebrity and his fucked up nose and his fucked up childhood that they camped out in front of this California court house so they can yell their opinion of his innocence to the circling cameras.

The verdict is (FINALLY) read, and pandemonium ensues. They're jumping up and down, laughing and hugging. People are weeping. A woman is releasing fucking doves. I'm throwing up all over my television. The whole horrible episode goes on for about five minutes before I turn Family Guy back on in disgust.

Where is that kind of passion when it comes to things that matter? Who fucking cares what Jacko does at his creepyass Neverland Ranch? Apparently way more of America than those who care about our schitzophrenic economy or their own fucking civil rights. Where was this kind of protest when the scary-as-all-hell Patriot Act was passed? What the hell kind of society is this? The scatterd Democratic pussies still licking their wounds and crying about the 1% Republican majority keep whining about the fact that half (49%) of the country thoroughly dislikes our current President, but nothing is being done about the terrifying legislation being passed at a constant rate. I don't even know what I'm ranting about anymore. I'm pissed and my computer is trying to make me feel better by playing Dane Cook. It's working.

This is why I hate politics. And General Interest.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 7:18 p.m., Monday, Jun. 13, 2005

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.