paperback writer

quick rundown b/c it's not late but am tarred... or maybe just lazy.
oh well.

homecoming, despite initial (while quite valid) misgivings, was AWESOME
....though so hot one could see the steam from body heat gathering at the ceiling of the gym... it was about 20 degrees cooler just in the lobby

got mah groove on and raced about from group to group like the fluttery social insectoid i tend to become with large groups of people...

and got glitter all over everything; my face, anyone i danced with, anyone who danced with anyone i danced with... it was like AIDS...
except for the whole life-threatening, global plague thing...
a GTD, or grindingly transmitted disease, as chris aptly put it..

then we went to ihop...

(beforehand me and mirm and mags went to arby's, surprising all the staff and patrons quite a bit i think..)

side note: according to the survey i took at lunch, there apparently is a law or something requiring the ubiquitous (look ms. gibson!) dirty old man in the corner everywhere girls are going to have fun... because obviously they're needed to destroy the moment of good times with the overwhelming feeling of disgust and general ickyness forever accompanying them and their snide comments and occasional tongue flicking... ::shudder::
and now back to your regularly scheduled rundown...

...and left soon after being insulted a few times by the staff and went driving around and used up roughly an entire tank of gas and brittany thinks am a terrible driver for racing random car of people for like 150 feet at 50 mph... ("BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO PEOPLE WHO RACE! OH GOD WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!" etc.)

but i swear am a good driver in real life (homecoming night is very obviously fake life) ever since stupid dumb self got a stupid dumb ticket... ::glowers::

so we all had lots o' fun times and i wasn't tarred at all until about 2:10, 20 mins before i got home... so twas all good.
yeah for adrenaline.

so it was fun.


and the next day we talked about aforementioned homecoming plenty and etc etc and i married meish and adam* and was called a drunk/wasted by two count em, two people today... adding to mike at homecoming...
tis kind of weird as am about as straightedge as one gets... ::ponders briefly, moves on::

but then we had practice, which was FABULOUS...
in an effort to find the straight-up comedy in the piece mr. a gave us each a character trait to take and play with and blow way out of proportion with the stereotype to make it as funny as possible...

me: thick minnesota accent
chris m: very deep voice
chris o: send teeming ball of energy with every line delivery to whoever he's talking to
chris e: sinister; end every line with "mua ha ha ha ha!!!"
chantel: sarcasm and attitude; end every line with snap across face
thomas: sing all lines using full range of voice
tim: flamboyantly flaming gay man
maggie: absolutely ghetto

and we had a blast with it

so then after practice we loitered in the parking lot like we always do and then i took laura home and we had a really cool talk in the car...
twas way nice. and cool. very cool.

too bad the trip ended with me at home


*dialogue from random wedding that took place in the lobby before school because i am an ordained minister thanks to the great internet...

me: hi adam!
tameika: i love you adam!
adam: hi, tameika
tameika: we're getting married, adam
adam: but i don't-
me: i'll marry you! [whips out invisible bible from pocket of guard jacket]
adam: but i-
me: [affecting random accent made up on the spot] we ah gathud heah today to witneyus this mayun an this womun...
adam: no i don't-
mattsarah'sbrother: adam [chuckle]
tameika: we're getting married. you be the best man.
adam: but-
me: and get out of my aisle!
mattsarah'sbrother: [chuckle] ok [stands ominously over adam in true shotgun wedding style]
tameika: [spotting brie] you be my maid of honor!
[brie dutifully gets into place]
adam: no-
me: should ennywon desa-
adam: i dis-
me: should ennywon beside thu groom desagree with thiz mayatch...
adam: the groom gets no say?
tameika: adam we're in love
me: do you, tameika, take thiz mayun-
tameika: i do!
me: do you, adam, take thiz-
adam: n-
me: you do. i now pronownz you mayun and wuyuv. you may kiz the briyud.
adam: [squirms]
me: you may high fiyuv the briyud.
[high five]
tameika: we're married! i love you adam!
adam: bye, tameika. [skitters off]

::sighs:: such a beautiful story

and another, considerably shorter convo soon after said happy occasion...

me: jimmy guess what. i am an ordained minister and i just performed my first marraige.
frickinjimmy: were you wasted?
me: no, it was like just now in the lobby.
frickinjimmy: were they wasted?
me: well maybe a little.



and they all lived happily ever after, the end.

...and i think i may have lied about the "quick" part of "quick rundown"...

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 11:28 p.m., Monday, Oct. 06, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.