paperback writer
dream a dream of sixpence...

Mollface and i had quite an interesting time researching seemboleesm in our dreams the other night... some common examples:

Stairs Up or down. Aspirations .Looking to get to certain point against all opposition.
These are featured in nearly every dream I have� er� remember�

Naked Public display. Exposed. Vulnerable. Loss of ambitions.
Again a common occurrence

Stage Performance. Presentation. There is a need for recognition.ready to show yourself to the world

Water Cleansing. Life. Emotions. Ask yourself about your current feelings.
Though I can almost always breathe underwater in these

Book Information. Guidance. Record keeping.
Though I can never read them� or hear the punchline to jokes

Running No restraint. Freedom. Distance. There is something that you want to escape from.
Another extremely common one� though it�s always as if I�m slogging through sand

Death End of a cycle. Something is finally over.
Maybe� though uncomfortably common

Kissing Affection. Joy. Coming success. Wish to be close to someone.

Mourn Express sorrow. Pain. Loosing something important for you.

Paranoia Persecution. Obsessive fear. Afraid of your own feelings.

Exhaustion Squandered energy. Depression. Debility. Feelings that wish to be avoided.
Tired dreams are the worst

Swimming Movement through water of feelings contained by cultural constructs. You are in an emotional state.

Quest Search. Adventure. Seeking for an answer.

Underwater Submersion in emotion.

Undressing Nakedness. Exposure. Ready to reveal your true inner self.

Urinating Release. Embarrassment at emotional release. Need to clear some feelings.

Vulnerable Unprotected. Penalties. Need for a safe position or control over something.

Yelling Pain or enthusiasm. Emotional release. Strong need for expression.
Though no one can generally hear me, including myself

Deaf Work on communication. Wish or fear to hear something.

Ceiling Upper limits. Ready to raise some limits.

Wall Defense. Protection. Seeking privacy and security.

Purple Great aspirations and understanding of visible and invisible realms. Take advantage of your creativity.

Ladder Reaching upward. Profit.Success. Unexpected good fortune.
I always make non-ladder objects into ladders in dreams

Concentration Camp Fear and hatred of differences.
Those and dinosaur dreams are the scariest� and murderer dreams. My murderers always have knives

Stabbing Violence. Fear of betrayal. Need to be more trusting

Kayleigh had a dream that I stabbed Mr. Anderson once� and Maggie dreamed I ran us off the road and she awoke from a six-year coma to find �the Japs� had taken over.


I had a dream with a moral recently.

We were going to do Any Number again but then I had to do the Vagina Monologues in the nude and I just made stuff up onstage and covered myself with a thick Where�s Waldo-looking book that had the extended author�s note behind the Vagina Monologues written in very small type. And it was okay anyway because I was a professional now and that's what professionals have to do sometimes.

Then all of a sudden it was New York. We were still in the auditorium but I knew it was in New York, where I was consequently living and working. My friends Kim and Becky from California were coming to see the show and I had to meet them in the apartment they rented. My apartment was a purple lauan rectangular box with a pile of blankets, all big enough for me to lay down and roll over maybe twice.. not tall enough to sit up in. Then I had to climb up the lauan wall outside and crawl through a maze of claustrophobic tunnels right next to a frightening drop off to get to their apartment, which was half as big as mine.

As the dream ended, I thought to myself how glad I was for the apartment I had, as so many people had it worse than me.

So now that you know all my subconscious undertakings and can draw what conclusions you will� am perhaps going to slip off into said subconsciousness

I talk in my sleep. Stick around for the show.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 12:41 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.