paperback writer
insomnia only gets in the way when...

i'm going to have to start sleeping again.

the only thing i really can't do without sleep is memorize lines, and i've got quite a few coming up soon. and my characters, all of whom i am already head over heels in love with, are wonderful...

there is ANNE, the happily on edge mother of two plus a foreign exchange student on a car trip in the states show,

MAE, the tough-talking factory worker who falls for a player and later beats him up in the spring musical,

ELSA, the bitterly angry woman meeting again with the man who fourteen years ago impregnated her sixteen-year-old self and ran in the isreal horovitz scene i'm doing with brando,

[insert name i can't remember here], the young, excited debutante carefully planning out a casual encounter with the man she is interested in in the classical monologue i'll be using for advanced acting and most likely scholarship auditions,

and LEANNE, the character in my play who apparently is tantamount (ooh look ms. gibson) to myself.

...that last one is not one to be memorized but one i poured my soul into and therefore deserves to be mentioned in my mind.

and i just fell asleep at my keyboard three times while writing this


lisa says the official definition of an insomniac is one who gets 3-4 hours of sleep a night.

i fell over laughing when i heard it. then i might have fallen asleep. i don't know.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 12:09 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2004

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.