paperback writer

Can I have ah AMEN to the real liberal media, college publications...

"James Baker spoke pointedly last night about the crucial role the United States needs to play in esablishing the stability in the Middle East at the annual Anwar Sadat Lecture for Peace, avoiding talk of his experiences as former US Secretary of State.
Baker brought up Iraq immediately in his speech, prompting two students to protest Baker's senior position with The Carlyle Group, an international investmetn group with close ties to defense companies. Three university police officers quietly escorted the students, who shouted "worst peace speaker ever" before leaving....

Speaking to the nearly sold-out crowd of 1100, Baker didn't voice his opinion of the war, but said the US couldn't pull its troops out of Iraq until there is a permanent government in place....

'He didn't say what was wrong, only what needed to be done,' said Adrian Southard, a graduate student in chemical physics. 'He gave a quick recap... but I didn't get a sense of who he was and his role in these events.'

Baker's speech didn't garner any standing ovations or strong audience feedback besides the two students from the Peace Forum in the beginning of his speech.
'I thought it was almost embarrassing for the university and insulting to the idea of a lecture for peace,' said Gaurav Madan, sophomore government and politics major.
University President Dan Mote looked mildly upset at the students' outburst, but later brushed it off after the event, saying he was not surprised."

I wouldn't be surprised either, walking into a building with chalk scrawled all over the sidewalk saying things like "COME INSIDE, WITNESS WAR MONGER SPEAK ON PEACE!"

"Worst peace speaker ever!" Oh, contemporary protestors, how I love you.

But the award for best Diamondback tidbit ever goes to Patrick Reaves in the Opinion section:
"...At least the Maryland legislature accomplished more than West Virginia's, which decided, in the most superfluous move of the week, it needed to name English the official state language."

PS we actually finished a Diamondback crossword and in the next day's paper there was a comic about a guy who finally finished the June 5, 2003 crossword... because it's that hard.

Life is a comedy and I'm glad.

PS I know I just copied this from my livejournal but I felt it bore repeating.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 12:37 p.m., Friday, Apr. 15, 2005

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.