paperback writer
caffeine and exhaustion is a funny combination

Thoughts come faster when you're walking alone in the dark.

I think... I am a cat. Or part cat. Or cat enough to... be a cat.

Anyway, my point: I am the kind of person who would crawl off to die alone instead of suffering through the embarrassment of allowing other people to witness her weakest moment.

And shut up, I didn't mean that in the woe-is-me-I'm-so-fucking-emo kind of way... I mean it in the haha-I'm-a-dumbass-and-that's-pretty-funny kind of way.

No story ideas as of now, though my snap fiction was workshopped in class today and my randomly chosen group looked something (exactly) like this: The Fucker, Earrings Girl, Naked Chick, Davni (Ponytail Girl), Super Smart Guy, and Random Chick I've Never Seen Before But She's Weird Like EG. Super Smart Guy is awesome and he understood it. EG had no idea, as per usual. She tries I guess. NC is awesome because she likes sarcasm. Ten points. Even The Fucker... even The Fucker was very cool. Am still incredibly intrigued by these people. Will be sad to see the semester end, regardless of the glaring fact that I hate poetry.
Not poetry. Poets.

But I wonder if I'll see these people again; this fodder for comic strips.

I've been stepping on a lot of cracks lately and I don't know what that means.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 12:26 a.m., Thursday, Apr. 14, 2005

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.