paperback writer
prom promise to dance magic dance

prom last night.

muy... strange.
don't get me wrong, now. twas absotively fabulous for the most part. but quite... odd. uncomfortable at points.
points which i will not divulge in as have some semblance of a sense of privacy buried deep within me.

so yes

just washed post-prom film from self.. but kept the hair.
hair is hot. and survived the night. beverly is my favorite. ever.

amusing point: left mine own group at one point (actually a few times) to see colleen b/c all the good dancers over yonder were taken...
so she made me dance with j.j.

this is amusing b/c j.j. hates me.
well. i was amused. but apparently i have a twisted sense of humor.

interesting point: certain person from my past (by past we of course mean freshman year) who until just recently couldn't remember my name saw me dance and all of sudden he not only knew my name but we had obviously been best friends since we met

fun points: got mah groove on

also, hair was muy hot.
have mentioned this already.
but when was getting it done (refused to get that ponytail-with-curls thing EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER gets for every event ever... so hair was muy spicy and different. i win.) saw many of mine own peers and that was fun.
also talked to a very nice freshman (jennifer. i remember her name b/c i thought i had forgotten it when in reality i had never met her before in my life) who recognized me from announcements and asked why i got kicked off.

side note:i love that people still ask me about that and tell me to come back.
makes my heart warm with warmth.

also got hur did and color is much less bad looking... the highlights-that-melted-through-the-cap look is not for me.
may i just say i hate the cap? just wanted to lay that down on the table there. like the foil thing much more. beverly is my favorite.

side note dos:you know, never messed with my hair at all ever until prom last year, when i got those blue streaks. since then have dyed it a few times (boring colors, as characters in shows cannot be crazy colored in the head... but still fun times) and hacked it off roughly six inches.
am living dangerously. ooh.

painful note: feet are throbbing still, as kept shoes on for entirety of dance for first time ever (excitement! am quite proud. you should be too)
also have painful bruise thanks to certain strapless supportive undergarments...
but dress was hot. is all that matters.

other random points: djs played not-dance music quite a bit and often had several slow songs in a row but we made do.
we need no music but the music in our heads to get our groove on.

was fairly successful in avoiding dirty people

usar-ed new cha cha knowledge and taught mirm to do so... [reminder to self to tell world about adventures in salsa for old people and surrounding news]

did castinets dance no con castinets pero con flower in teeth... random people took pictures

danced around like fool to last dance (that time of my life song from dirty dancing... what a horrible song to end prom with... ah well, we made do)
twirled around with meghan and fake-scrumped delant� to words of song... which drips of cheese, may i say.
drips of it.

ultimately got home (safe and in one piece... barely. poor arik and maggie. falling asleep at wheel is no good) at 140ish... managed to peel off dress and etc. (fought with necklace in frustrated haze before making mi mama untie it while i slept standing up), get bare minimum of hygiene things (teeth and eyes) done, and literally crawled into bed, falling into a coma in the middle of a loud, obnoxious commercial on the radio... almost unheard of in brittany-head-land

slept more like a dead rock than usual. but was up at nine. thank you mummy and daddy.
i think they're still mad they couldn't get anything out of me about prom except "ungh" last night when they waited up for me all excited and everything
well now i feel bad. suppose will have to give details someday

so yes. i must go, for bun bun hath invited me to his birthday party and i must go shopping.

no idea what he wants.

perhaps will get him an air fern

p.s. can do the tootsie roll for real sort of now, as opposed to what we did on the playground in 3rd grade when it actually came out

p.p.s. got a goodly number of random people doing the electric slide when the cracked out djs decided to play some country rock song or some such nonsense... feels good to be a leader ;)

p.p.s.s. have been doing the dance-with-imaginary-boyfriend thing during random slow dances since 8th grade... people are still amused and/or weirded out by it...
i think it's funny. don't reckon i right kur if they do or not

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 12:01 p.m., Saturday, May. 03, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.