paperback writer
stolen stolen survey

Have you ever... never have i ever... enjoyed these survey biznatches for real

1: Been kissed? by dew drops in the early morning light� *aherm* apologies. poet in me must�ve jimmied the lock and gotten out when i wasn�t looking

2: Done drugs? ::is too busy concentrating on locking poet up tightly to hear::

3: Eaten an entire box of Oreos? who hasn�t? well� technically, me� but i�m sure if I put my mind to it I could (and would...quite readily ::salivates::)

4: Been on stage? stage? STAGE??? oh no i have horrible stage fright� and anyway, i hate those drama geeks�
they�re insane in the membrane

5: Dumped someone else? ::nasty habit of shutting down guys before they ask her out:: shut DOWN! ::does proper movement::

6: Gotten in a car accident? only one for real.. ::rubs collarbone:: and it wasn�t horrible, there was just a lot of freaking out�
of course, there was that time meg and I ended up facing southbound on the northbound side of rt 4 b/c of the ice�
and again b/c of my emergency break�
that counts as half of one b/c by the time it got around to delant�, kayleigh, tameika, and sketkh, we were dead in a ditch and the car was totaled

7: Watched "Punky Brewster"? they used to call jaimie that in elementary school. not completely sure why.
...or who �they� is

8: Been in love? ::hearts and puppies:: ah, mon cherie. ze love bug, she has bitten me. i made a rhyme. and a boldfaced lie.

9: Shampoo: not whatever is in my bathroom right now

10: Toothpaste: lemony freeesh

11: Soap: soap on a rope� wouldn�t it be clever if they spelled it �roap�?
no. not really.

12: Type of soup: stone

13: Room in your house: mine own

14: Instrument: beat box (puh teh keh tah, puh teh keh tah� everet everet.. wicca wicca puh teh keh tah�)

Either/Or.. ooh goody a choice. this is why i live in america

15: Coffee or hot chocolate? coffee is not my friend. we do not hang out. *i* always get the tazoberry whatsit.
...even when it's freezing and i'm soaked

16: Big or little? well it varies. big man-eating fish are bad, but so are little ones. that�s not very effective support.

17: Lace or satin? ew lace is itchy.

18: New or old? new cars are expensive but old cars are death traps. and they smell funny.

19: Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt? ::turns tv off:: chicago soundtrack!

20: Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? they were both great in interview with a vampire� but kirsten dunst was fantabulous. too bad she de-evolved.

21: Vogue or Material Girl? ::breaks out into song:: we are living in a cereal world, and now i am a cereal girl�
holy goodness sesame street was great in the 80�s�

22: Jeans or cords? jords. ha! i�m full of wit!
well.. full of something...

23: Sweater or sweatshirt? ::whines:: it�s too hooooooot!

24: T shirt or tank top? nekkid!

25: Skirt or dress? 2legit2quit!

26: Wool or cotton? paper

27: Rose or Lily? tiger lily was SO cool in peter pan. she deserved a bigger part. biznatches.

28: The way it is or the way it was? ::sings loudly and off key:: i wish� that� i knew what i know now� when i was younger�

29: Oldies or pop? rock. this is general enough to encompass the entire world. i win. woop woop.

30: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? lord no.
in high school, you can either have friends OR you can have a boyfriend.
there is no happy medium. look around your lunch room next time you can. i�m right. you know i am. and you like it.

31: Do you have a best friend? ::revels in popularity::

In the last 24 hours, have you...

32: Cried? am devoid of any such emotion

33: Helped someone? my name is dr. kavorkian. i help people.

34: Bought something? food

35: Gotten sick? am perpetually ill.
...or at least, perpetually complaining of something.

36: Gone to the movies? mebbe. seen a movie yes. am movie junkie. the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. i can stop whenever i want to.

37: Gone out for dinner? breakfast for dinner baby yeah!

38: Said "I love you"? a mis padres. love does not exist in high school. yeah that's right. i said it. wanna fight?

39: Written a real letter? actually yes. ::pumps arms triumphantly in air:: i win!

40: Moved on? i hope not

41: Talked to an ex? no ex to speak of

42: Missed an ex? terribly. how I loved joe� (joe who?) joe MOMMA! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

43: Written in a journal? if by �journal� you mean �random piece of paper to rant on�

44: Talked to someone you have a crush on? am devoid of any such crushes. crushes are for the weak. so is water. and sunscreen.

45: Had a serious talk? do rants count? have a lot of those.

46: Missed someone? ::reaches hands in general cali and ga directions::

47: Hugged someone? cooties! lice! SARS!

48: Fought with your parents? am good child. no fightee. ::halo::

49: Fought with a friend? not for real for real.

Do you.....

50: Wear eye shadow? i feel pretty, oh so pretty� i feel pretty and witty and gaaaay� and i pity.. any girl who isn�t me, today�

51: Put on a "front"? you accusin� me of frontin�? i will cutchoo!

52: Kiss on the first date? regularly? steak.

53: Have a crush on someone? CONTRARY to popular belief, i am NOT the kind of girl who has a crush every five minutes and i do NOT have a crush, a love, an obsession� not even very much eye candy at the moment� AND AM HAPPY WITH THAT!
::glares in general direction of stupid stereotype-generators::

54: Eat with your mouth open? ::smack smack::

55: If you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would be? ::fear of foreign objects permanently injected into skin::

56: What color is your floor/carpet in your room? ::squints:: paper. wait, no.. yeah. it�s new. they call it schoolpaperandlaundry. real popular these days

57: What was the last CD you bought? physically went to the store and bought? but that takes so much energy!

58: How did you spend last summer? not in class

59: When's the last time you showered? four years today. it�s our anniversary! ::celebrar::

60: Are you tired? am i ever not? is anyone ever not? does sleep even exist anymore? for real for real?

61: Are you lonely? nope. content. ::contentment::

62: Are you happy? for the most part

63: Are you wearing pajamas? am wearing a stolen shirt. and my contacts are in. s�time to get into them (pj's... not contacts) though� ::salivates at prospect of turning in early::

64: Are you talking to someone online? constantly

65: What are the initials of your crush/interest? why do you keep pressing this? do you want me to turn around and ask you? are you simply politely steering the conversation to what you really want to talk about: yourself?

66: What is your astrological sign? moo!

67: What is the sign of your crush/interest? yield

68: What time is it? 10:17pm

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 10:21 p.m., Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.