paperback writer
claustrophobia... is a fun word

:: how jedi are you? ::

woop woop. ::does appropriate 'woop woop' gesture::

::gropes around in darkness::

came home last night to an empty house and a full driveway.
thought maybe my parents had been kidnapped

...but in real life they were just out with aundrea's parents.

so i went over to her house and we watched 3 ninjas, sometimes referred to as one of the
greatest movies of all time
so yeah. but didn't even make it through a quarter of it due to
running through act 2/skating for charity/actually being impressed by a calvert show
all day on a frickin depressingly unbalanced sleep hours to non-sleep hours ratio...

but now i need to do my frickin already-late-lit-essay-and-article-for-crazy-for-you-plus-research-to-become-calvin-coolidge-and-frickin-precalc.

::shakes head; it rattles:: silly me.
for some reason i thought last week's frickin workload was unusual
::shakes head; rattling intensifies:: gotta get off the crack...

::pauses to read what she's already wrote::
geez, it's a frickin good thing i decided to give up aerosol cans for lent instead of biznatch and frickin

frickin biznatches

if my head was a screw i'd be in desperate need of a screwdriver i guess it's a good thing my head isn't a screw

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 7:27 p.m., Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.