paperback writer
amusing college anecdote #3

The best thing (read: only good thing) about public showers is that you can take them with your friends and sing loud and off key and talk about 5th grade and Disney without worrying about discomfort connected with close nakedness in an enclosed space.

Generally shower time is Me Time... except at college when Me Time doesn't exist but somehow you forget to miss it.

And the most EXCITING part of the day goes to MIRM who came down to see me!!!

Well alright she [technically] came to see the game but the details are not important and we won but that won't affect our friendship because... well because. And I'm still excited to just think of it. ::cartwheels::

And now we're going to have a PJs and movies party and maybe play some drinking games and maybe not but regardless we'll have a blast because we're The Shit and that's what we do... and I'll drunk dial Mirm or she'll drunk dial me and the day will be complete

Now if only I had my camera... ::reaches pitifully in general direction of Calvert County::

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 10:33 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 04, 2004

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.