paperback writer
success in excess... and it feels good

there are not many days in the year where one, particularly a procrastinator such as myself, can sit back and look at the day behind him or her and say

my, what a successful day.

this may also contribute to the fact that i don't generally say

my, what... really anything.

but i digress. and, though no one is surprised, i shall continue:

mirm and i left early (crack of dawn early... 8:30 early) to run to waldorf to get a cd player installed in james (mirm's car) and only just got back oh.. six thirtyish. and that was after we accosted the mechanics several times until we found two wonderful young men who were not taking a ten-minute break every ten minutes who agreed to move us up in the line, as we live quite far from waldorf and circuit city et al.

in considerably brighter spirits, we bought from random solicitor raising money to send his high school marching band to the pocono's. it felt good to support our local music arts program, especially being fresh out of marching band (though mirm considerably fresher than myself) so our good deed was done for the millennia. i can now shove old ladies into the street guilt-free.

also: during the mildly excruciating wait, we went to the mall and i bought myself a guilty pleasure book with money i don't have to read in spare time i can't afford, and we tried on dresses we had no intention of buying, both activities guaranteed to brighten a day. then it was confirmed for mirm that she is in fact, going to college, and it most certainly won't be to csm. much excitement dancing was had.

and, on the college front, i finished my northwestern essay and not only was it exactly 500 words but it was the best analyzation of random off-the-wall question ever. so the northwestern and carnegie mellon applications are sent and officially dead to me. i have a big purple line through their deadline dates on my to do list by my head with the word CRUSH! scrawled across them.

you have no idea how good it felt to slash them so.

yes, random daylog, but bear with me here.

i don't get many of these days.

i believe i shall go write something and i will feel truly accomplished.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 10:20 p.m., Friday, Jan. 02, 2004

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.