paperback writer
creativity at it's most confined- ah, er.. structured

well everyone else is doing it, i s'pose i'll go along like a good little lemming...

ap lit-er, lang. whatever: 4
apush: 3
::giggles spitefully at certain other genius biznatch's misfortune, slaps wrist, giggles again::

vaca (as in short for vacation, not spanish for cow) was fantab.... and mirm covered it pretty thoroughly.... ::revels in own laziness::



[Four songs that get stuck in your head frequently]

1. "father abraham" -- st. camillus academy in ky
2. the bad line jaime taught me in that third eye blind song.. just that one line... over and over..
3. "vacation" -- cyndi lauper
4. "superman" -- eminem... and that "i love him" song from the sixties... always directly followed by "my boyfriend's back" and the two wedding songs.. the "kiss him" one (which reminds me of "kiss the girl") and the "goin' to the chapel" one... and often that "lola" song...

actually.. i don't generally go around *without* some song or another stuck in my head... usually one or two lines mixing with another song as the melodies twist together and form a never-ending loop....

[Four beverages you drink frequently]

1. water
2. barq's root beer (mug sucks. you can tell 'em i said that. i don't care. my dad could beat up their dad any day.)
3. the blood of the innocent
4. orange juice

owowowow i just bit my tongue. i hurt. fix it. ::sticks tongue out::

[Four of your favorite foods]

1. hot glazed donuts ::salivates::
2. candy
3. ice cream
4. vegetables (ha! didn't expect that one, did you? you lose! ::victory dance::)

ow! ::grumbles about salivary glands and swollen tongues::

[Four T.V. shows you liked when you were a kid]

1. eureka's castle
2. captain planet
3. sesame street
4. in living color

[Four T.V. shows you like now]

1. simpsons
2. comedy central presents
3. the daily show
4. ::mumbles something no one can quite make out::

[Four places you go to in your area]

1. parking lots
2. houses
3. that's about it
4. period

[Four things you do when you're bored]

1. gape mindlessly at my computer screen
2. read
3. write
4. call people i haven't spoken to in years

[Four things that never fail to cheer you up]

1. making fun of people
2. watching jeopardy on snl
3. cats
4. driving way fast with music way loud

[Four things you can't live without]

1. lungs
2. kidneys
3. skin
4. words

[About ten years ago *list three things*]

1. i lived in ky
2. i was in second grade
3. there was a boy in my class that drove me nuts and i couldn't stand him. i don't really remember why. just that his name was derick and he was blonde.
where ever you are, derick, you annoyed me in second grade and i do not appreciate that.

[About two years ago *list three things*]

1. i could still use the "i'm new" excuse. sometimes.
2. i started guard
3. i couldn't remember where i lived and pobre brian had to drive up and down the highway for roughly two hours as we tried each turnoff until we found my house. he never gave me a ride again.

[in the last year *list three things*]

1. i realized what i want to do for a living. and i most certainly will not be rich.
2. i turned the 'golden age' of seventeen
3. i found out what it feels like to be quite literally shredded into a thousand pieces from the inside out.


1. i had to leave work in a hurry and borrow a not-illeagal shirt from mirm (thanks again a thousand times!!!)
2. i enjoyed an episode of the sopranos
3. i continued to dwell on the snake i hit the other day... still making myself sick over it....
i know, such a pansy tree-hugger but what can i say? i grew up on captain planet and greenpeace.

[Ten things you love]

(in no particular order)
1. food
2. reading
3. writing
4. theater
5. people
6. comedy
7. music
8. amigos y familia
9. vacation
10. the freckles across my nose (my one example of a childhood dream coming true)

[Ten things you dislike]

1. all of my science teachers from eighth to tenth grade.... especially the debil (who drives a purple truck)
2. people who cut me off or ride me with their brights on... and people in two lanes going the same speed.
3. people with no sense of humor
4. stupid people and people who gloat ::seethes::
5. wet hair in the sink ::shudder::
6. drama (particularly of the high school variety)
7. real death
8. being poor
9. not having control
10. ferris wheels
but heck YEAH me and mirm rode that giant scurry death wheel thing! YEAH we did!!!

[Ten things in your room]

1. einstein making a funny face
2. pictures, pictures, pictures
3. my compie
4. duck trashcan. it's fuzzy
5. dried flowers, collages, all manner of writing plus a happy face with a hat made of candle wax in the windows and mirrors...
6. heaps of scraps of paper and notebooks filled with random writings and quotes and phone numbers and reminders etc...
7. my third grade class tshirt that i still wear
8. an air fern. but i think it's dead. i can't tell. it's still green.... but it's crunchy.
is crunchy bad?
9. license plates from places where we used to live... except ky.
::shakes fist angrily at ga government and its taking away of the ky license plate::
10. a green wall. or perhaps it's more of a "seafoam"

[Seven facts about you]

1. my hair has never been this short
2. i don't generally shut up. ever.
3. i'm perpetually on some inner-self improvement plan
4. i hate ferris wheels
5. last i checked i type 75 words per minute
6. i like to name things
7. i live for words

[Seven artists/bands people should give a listen to]

1. jimmy eat world
2. weezer
3. john mayer
4. third eye blind
5. hanson
6. the ataris
7. strata


best quote ever of the day:
i'd like to dedicate this quote to the naysayers, to the bible beaters, to the people who are quick to shout "heathen!" with pity in their voices and ignorance and hate in their words...

"those who believe they believe in God but without passion in the heart, without anguish of the mind, without uncertainty, without doubt, and even at times without despair, believe only in the idea of God, and not in God himself."
- miguel de unamuno

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 12:29 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 02, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.