paperback writer
you expected full sentences?

i think they put heroin in ritz crackers.
...that or bulemia.

i hate resumes.
and homework.
and deadlines.
and the fact that pins keep falling off my letter jacket.

i have the munchies.

went downstairs for some ritz crackers (see above) only to find that someone had eaten the entire box!!! ::points fingers::

so i ate a peanut butter sandwich. the one-piece-of-bread-folded-over kind. i enjoyed it.

worked today. i love my old people.

mock crash today. very sad accompanying video of bereaved father... made me rethink every time have screwed around in a car and assess the risks i ran... promise have never screwed around in car for real for real.. am not that dumb. but even bitty risks are way scary when faced with that monologue. and the woman with the brain damage who talked. she was cool... but v. convincing.
obviously. it was real brain damage.

ran show superfast today. need to get my lines down. suck.

had lunch out today. because i could. and i wanted to get my free shirt from embroidme. it's pretty.
mildly surprised at sheer volume of people eating out... considering supposed no leaving campus rule.
not that it's difficult.
wonder if libby knows.
cuz libby don't play.


random thought while working:
parents today are getting younger and younger looking.


parents today are getting more and more my-age looking.

frightening concept.


basic point of senseless rambling:
remind self to explain in full detail various hijinks and misadventures of weekend

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 12:00 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.