paperback writer
no is so much easier than yes

Sometimes a work of art alters your entire world; your entire state of being comes into focus and out again, like you exist in the background haze of a picture focusing on an object in the foreground but because you're behind and blurred you can't tell what or who or why or when it is and you just want to flip the picture over and see what's written on the back: the handwritten key to the story on the front but you don't quite know how to slither around to the other side or even if you want to for real because what if there is no other side or you like the familiar better?

Maybe you're just too afraid to see the slippery stark white backing and know the truth: your negative was processed at Kmart and now you lie in a dusty box on the shelf and if nothing is written on the back about you maybe you'll be forgotten in the wash of time and what kind of impact was your existence except for you to wonder why you're here.

Maybe you're just a silent anonymous contributor to the collective consciousness of knowledge and instinct and your self is inconsequential to the greater self of the cosmos.

Do you really want to know all that about yourself?
I'm not sure if I do.

Bottom line: Watch Waking Life and then come talk to me. I want to know... everything.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 7:40 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23, 2004

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.