paperback writer
damn you robin and your influence over my life

20 years ago I...
1. had begun swallowing and kicking
2. had separated fingers and toes
3. had just entered my second trimester

10 years ago I...
1. had never heard of the internet
2. thought that little comic strip of Jaime's was a neat idea for a game
3. was afraid to read R.L. Stine books

5 years ago I...
1. was still pretty new-kid-bitter
2. was gearing up for my first real stage show
3. was getting tired of being pushed around or ignored purely because I was quiet and geeky

3 years ago I...
1. still didn't have my lines for my last high school straight play ever
2. wanted desperately to escape
3. was loud and geeky... and never in class

1 year ago I...
1. was so glad for the random series of events and failures that brought me here
2. thought I was going to fail Hell because I couldn't find my damn art portfolio
3. was afraid I would lose touch with people I didn't want to

So far this year I...
1. have recognized the Wall for what it is
2. have begun rebuilding...something
3. have formed an unlikely friendship with George Foreman

Yesterday I...
1. accused my left pinkie of developing arthritis
2. survived
3. was inspired/made more crazy by a fictional character. Again.

Today I...
1. got more into the head of Kevin, my obsessive, mother-dominated, childlike, gay male character in Lovesick
2. walked home by myself in the dark without event, paranoia notwithstanding
3. hung out in Chestertown for the first time ever.. regardless of the fact that I lived 50 ft. from it for a year

Tomorrow I will...
1. be at school all day again, despite the fact that I have only one scheduled class on Thursdays
2. visit the prop shop and pretend I know what I'm doing
3. probably have to juggle. Damn it all to hell.

In the next year I will...
1. ...probably not drop English
2. hopefully find some direction
3. most likely have been disowned for some reason or another. Possibly for wanting to continue schooling.

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 11:57 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 02, 2005

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.