paperback writer

ding dong the mound is dead!
which dirt mound?
the playground mound!
ding dong the perma-mound is deeeeaaaad!!!


gather round, children, and i will tell you of a time.. tell you of a time not too long ago when the neighborhood was caught in the soiled grips of an evil mountain of dirt... ::hacking cough::

ahem. i shall begin at the beginning, which i always thought was the best place in which to do so....

it began with a company, and that company was
being a building company such as it was,
it needed to build
and so it called out to its construction workers
build me a neighborhood!
and it was done
and all rejoiced
for a time
but soon it became apparent that
being under the capitalist society such as it was,
it needed something to attract its
target market
and so it yelled out unto the contractors
there will be a playground!
include it in the plans!

and so it was and so it became
and the people did flock
and the young families did buy
and the houses did sell
and builders did begin their task with only a few houses underway
and it was good

but then

a tractor
a careless tractor
an unwitting star cross'd CAT
did push around the dirt and trees and soil in such a way
there did appear a looming mound
a treacherous mound
a silent, foreboding mound
the CAT did stop then
the houses did finish
the lots did fill
the strangers became neighbors
and the mound did sit
and sit
and sit
and sit it did
so inviting was it to the children
they ran up its steep and crumbling sides
they walked across its still smoldering ashes
they dug horizontal tunnels into the center
they strayed into the retention pond
and that was the playground
and it did sit
sad yellow signs did lean and sway
they said
but PLAYGROUND there was not
only death trap
and death trap it stayed
years passed
and the dirt did compact


one day
one fine ordinary day
asphalt did appear
as if by magic
but it was not magic
oh no
a higher power than that had spoken
and that power was
construction had begun again
soon a GAZEEBO did appear
dropped out of the sky
or bought at the amish market
there were still skeptics
those who did not believe
those who thought themselves cheated
wronged by great QBH
they did note the fact that the asphalt curved a little path around the great mound
there was construction
and it was good
many people believed
and believed they had fallen back into good favor
with QBH
and there was much rejoicing
many no longer believed in
many began to stray
the people no longer trusted
they abandoned it, as it had abandoned them
and it was bad
the people did accept
that QBH had failed them
and there was great bitterness
but then
miraculous day of days
a young girl drove by
and the hideous mound was gone!
and the land was smooth
and the lines were seamless
as if the previous years of horror and disgust never existed at all
and there was MUCH rejoicing in the car
and fists did pump in the air
and a resounding YES!!!! was hissed
through unbelieving teeth
and the heathens did dance
for the mound was dead
and the playground was begun
had come through
and it was good


p.s. more great things to add to the festivities of the fabulous day of fabulous days:

i talked to zoe! it's been years! and i sent that letter to amber i've been hoarding for six months. and it was good.
ach! still in biblical mode! ::thumps head::

i got that heavenly tall cake at ruby tuesdays... ::sigh:: sooo good...

Squiggly Mark:
i talked to mirm! it's been years, too! and it was good.
grargh! ::thumps head harder, fumbles around for aspirin::

The current mood of bratnatch at
FIN. 10:56 p.m., Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003

ink :: graphite

flipping pages
take note
A work in Aberration.